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Considering the depth of the French domination of the Vietnamese — both culturally and spiritually — Kim's change is important. Darth Maul and Elsa fusion dance Night King. Examining Hồ's plans after 2 September 1945, it was found that — except for the Communist regime and Hồ's patriotic monopoly policy — most of the points the GVN government had made in late 1945 and Early 1946 was similar to the programs the predecessor government had set up: Vietnamese with Latin letters used in classrooms and offices; rename towns and streets; abolished the sale of paddy and body taxes. On the afternoon of September 2, 1945, Ho sealed a request for an autonomous state in the French-controlled Indochina Confederation, claiming to have regained Vietnam from Japan, demanding that the citizens of Hanoi make a promise 4 what not to do: "swear: not to serve in France, not to work for France, not to sell food to France, and not to give way to France," if French troops re-invade Vietnam


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